Using mongo Shell
Mongo shell is an interactive JavaScript interface to perform query and administrative tasks. It can be launched in a command-line interface or operated by other applications.
Launching a mongo shell in command line
With the MongoDB server running as a service, we can connect to it using mongo shell by executing the command mongo
. By default, it will connect to a local MongoDB server at port 27017.
$ mongo
MongoDB shell version v4.4.6
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("7c4dade4-4569-4325-a465-f9643769be74") }
MongoDB server version: 4.4.6
Welcome to the MongoDB shell.
For interactive help, type "help".
For more comprehensive documentation, see
Questions? Try the MongoDB Developer Community Forums
The server generated these startup warnings when booting:
2021-05-23T19:45:54.353+10:00: Using the XFS filesystem is strongly recommended with the WiredTiger storage engine. See
2021-05-23T19:45:54.527+10:00: Access control is not enabled for the database. Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted
Enable MongoDB's free cloud-based monitoring service, which will then receive and display
metrics about your deployment (disk utilization, CPU, operation statistics, etc).
The monitoring data will be available on a MongoDB website with a unique URL accessible to you
and anyone you share the URL with. MongoDB may use this information to make product
improvements and to suggest MongoDB products and deployment options to you.
To enable free monitoring, run the following command: db.enableFreeMonitoring()
To permanently disable this reminder, run the following command: db.disableFreeMonitoring()
Help messages
General help messages
> help help on db methods help on collection methods sharding helpers replica set helpers
help admin administrative help
help connect connecting to a db help
help keys key shortcuts
help misc misc things to know
help mr mapreduce
show dbs show database names
show collections show collections in current database
show users show users in current database
show profile show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms
show logs show the accessible logger names
show log [name] prints out the last segment of log in memory, 'global' is default
use <db_name> set current database
db.mycoll.find() list objects in collection mycoll
db.mycoll.find( { a : 1 } ) list objects in mycoll where a == 1
it result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate
DBQuery.shellBatchSize = x set default number of items to display on shell
exit quit the mongo shell
DB help messages
DB methods:
db.adminCommand(nameOrDocument) - switches to 'admin' db, and runs command [just calls db.runCommand(...)]
db.aggregate([pipeline], {options}) - performs a collectionless aggregation on this database; returns a cursor
db.auth(username, password)
db.cloneDatabase(fromhost) - will only function with MongoDB 4.0 and below
db.commandHelp(name) returns the help for the command
db.copyDatabase(fromdb, todb, fromhost) - will only function with MongoDB 4.0 and below
db.createCollection(name, {size: ..., capped: ..., max: ...})
db.createView(name, viewOn, [{$operator: {...}}, ...], {viewOptions})
db.currentOp() displays currently executing operations in the db
db.eval() - deprecated
db.fsyncLock() flush data to disk and lock server for backups
db.fsyncUnlock() unlocks server following a db.fsyncLock()
db.getCollection(cname) same as db['cname'] or db.cname
db.getCollectionInfos([filter]) - returns a list that contains the names and options of the db's collections
db.getLastError() - just returns the err msg string
db.getLastErrorObj() - return full status object
db.getMongo() get the server connection object
db.getMongo().setSecondaryOk() allow queries on a replication secondary server
db.getProfilingLevel() - deprecated
db.getProfilingStatus() - returns if profiling is on and slow threshold
db.getSiblingDB(name) get the db at the same server as this one
db.getWriteConcern() - returns the write concern used for any operations on this db, inherited from server object if set
db.hostInfo() get details about the server's host
db.isMaster() check replica primary status
db.hello() check replica primary status
db.killOp(opid) kills the current operation in the db
db.listCommands() lists all the db commands
db.loadServerScripts() loads all the scripts in db.system.js
db.runCommand(cmdObj) run a database command. if cmdObj is a string, turns it into {cmdObj: 1}
db.setProfilingLevel(level,slowms) 0=off 1=slow 2=all
db.setVerboseShell(flag) display extra information in shell output
db.setWriteConcern(<write concern doc>) - sets the write concern for writes to the db
db.unsetWriteConcern(<write concern doc>) - unsets the write concern for writes to the db
db.version() current version of the server - opens a change stream cursor for a database to report on all changes to its non-system collections.
Collection help messages
DBCollection help
db.test.find().help() - show DBCursor help
db.test.bulkWrite( operations, <optional params> ) - bulk execute write operations, optional parameters are: w, wtimeout, j
db.test.count( query = {}, <optional params> ) - count the number of documents that matches the query, optional parameters are: limit, skip, hint, maxTimeMS
db.test.countDocuments( query = {}, <optional params> ) - count the number of documents that matches the query, optional parameters are: limit, skip, hint, maxTimeMS
db.test.estimatedDocumentCount( <optional params> ) - estimate the document count using collection metadata, optional parameters are: maxTimeMS
db.test.convertToCapped(maxBytes) - calls {convertToCapped:'test', size:maxBytes}} command
db.test.createIndexes([keypatterns], <options>)
db.test.deleteOne( filter, <optional params> ) - delete first matching document, optional parameters are: w, wtimeout, j
db.test.deleteMany( filter, <optional params> ) - delete all matching documents, optional parameters are: w, wtimeout, j
db.test.distinct( key, query, <optional params> ) - e.g. db.test.distinct( 'x' ), optional parameters are: maxTimeMS
db.test.drop() drop the collection
db.test.dropIndex(index) - e.g. db.test.dropIndex( "indexName" ) or db.test.dropIndex( { "indexKey" : 1 } )
db.test.hideIndex(index) - e.g. db.test.hideIndex( "indexName" ) or db.test.hideIndex( { "indexKey" : 1 } )
db.test.unhideIndex(index) - e.g. db.test.unhideIndex( "indexName" ) or db.test.unhideIndex( { "indexKey" : 1 } )
db.test.ensureIndex(keypattern[,options]) - DEPRECATED, use createIndex() instead
db.test.explain().help() - show explain help
db.test.find([query],[fields]) - query is an optional query filter. fields is optional set of fields to return.
e.g. db.test.find( {x:77} , {name:1, x:1} )
db.test.findOne([query], [fields], [options], [readConcern])
db.test.findOneAndDelete( filter, <optional params> ) - delete first matching document, optional parameters are: projection, sort, maxTimeMS
db.test.findOneAndReplace( filter, replacement, <optional params> ) - replace first matching document, optional parameters are: projection, sort, maxTimeMS, upsert, returnNewDocument
db.test.findOneAndUpdate( filter, <update object or pipeline>, <optional params> ) - update first matching document, optional parameters are: projection, sort, maxTimeMS, upsert, returnNewDocument
db.test.getDB() get DB object associated with collection
db.test.getPlanCache() get query plan cache associated with collection
db.test.insertOne( obj, <optional params> ) - insert a document, optional parameters are: w, wtimeout, j
db.test.insertMany( [objects], <optional params> ) - insert multiple documents, optional parameters are: w, wtimeout, j
db.test.mapReduce( mapFunction , reduceFunction , <optional params> )
db.test.aggregate( [pipeline], <optional params> ) - performs an aggregation on a collection; returns a cursor
db.test.replaceOne( filter, replacement, <optional params> ) - replace the first matching document, optional parameters are: upsert, w, wtimeout, j
db.test.renameCollection( newName , <dropTarget> ) renames the collection.
db.test.runCommand( name , <options> ) runs a db command with the given name where the first param is the collection name
db.test.stats({scale: N, indexDetails: true/false, indexDetailsKey: <index key>, indexDetailsName: <index name>})
db.test.storageSize() - includes free space allocated to this collection
db.test.totalIndexSize() - size in bytes of all the indexes
db.test.totalSize() - storage allocated for all data and indexes
db.test.update( query, <update object or pipeline>[, upsert_bool, multi_bool] ) - instead of two flags, you can pass an object with fields: upsert, multi, hint
db.test.updateOne( filter, <update object or pipeline>, <optional params> ) - update the first matching document, optional parameters are: upsert, w, wtimeout, j, hint
db.test.updateMany( filter, <update object or pipeline>, <optional params> ) - update all matching documents, optional parameters are: upsert, w, wtimeout, j, hint
db.test.validate( <full> ) - SLOW
db.test.getShardVersion() - only for use with sharding
db.test.getShardDistribution() - prints statistics about data distribution in the cluster
db.test.getSplitKeysForChunks( <maxChunkSize> ) - calculates split points over all chunks and returns splitter function
db.test.getWriteConcern() - returns the write concern used for any operations on this collection, inherited from server/db if set
db.test.setWriteConcern( <write concern doc> ) - sets the write concern for writes to the collection
db.test.unsetWriteConcern( <write concern doc> ) - unsets the write concern for writes to the collection
db.test.latencyStats() - display operation latency histograms for this collection